It is finally time to harvest the cucumbers!
The hardest part about gardening is the waiting for your fruits and vegetables to mature into edible food. The best part about gardening is reaping the literal fruits of your labor! I have 3 cucumbers from this year’s planting and I just picked one! How do I know the cucumbers are ready to harvest? The…
A Little Yard Prep Goes a Long Way
There is nothing more frustrating than spending quite a bit of money in your yard on something just for it to be in bad shape a few years later! In the summer of 2020, we had the side fences and the fencing facing the street replaced. Time Weathers All in the Yard Even though Mother…
Cucumber Corral – String Training
I wanted a way to corral the cucumber plants, so I started doing research. I found “string training” which can be done for any vining plant really. So let’s give it a try! Tips Bulletin was a great resource to get started. I also scrolled through Pinterest to get some visual ideas. The cucumber plants…
Making a Plan – the best place to start
Hiiiii little tomato seedlings! Looking good! I am going to wait a couple more weeks before I thin the herd and if possible make some of them transplants for others to plant and enjoy. This is the plan, but seldom does making a plan actually go exactly as planned. If you are just joining The…
A Single Tomato Plant is All I Need
This post might be about gardening, but let me start with a story. I don’t know about anyone else, but our road trips end up with some interesting conversations. On our first road trip this summer, my husband randomly blurts out that he thinks we should grow our own fruits and vegetables. This is a…