Cucumber Corral – String Training

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I wanted a way to corral the cucumber plants, so I started doing research. I found “string training” which can be done for any vining plant really. So let’s give it a try!

Tips Bulletin was a great resource to get started. I also scrolled through Pinterest to get some visual ideas.

Grow-It-Yourself Pinterest Board to find ideas on starting your own food garden

The cucumber plants are quite pliable so it was rather easy to wrap them around the string once they got all enough.

But first, I had to make a frame for the string to hang from. It was quick and dirty for this season. Once I have more permanent locations, I’ll make nicer ones.

I had some leftover 2x4s in the garage, cut them up and screwed them together. A simple A-frame with a crossbar can never go wrong.

A little patience is needed waiting for the plants to get tall enough to wind, but once they are, it is GAME ON!

Winding Cucumbers Up the Strings

String train any vining plant to save space.

As the cucumbers grow you can simply wrap them around the string gently. Once the cucumbers reach the crossbar, I threw them over the top and let them start growing back to the ground.

The crossbar isn’t really high enough this summer so the cucumbers are already touching the ground, but I didn’t put much effort into making a solid structure of ample height.

There’s always next spring!

The Fruits of My Labor

I watched flower after flower bloom on the three plants I have. I started to get discouraged thinking that I wasn’t ever going to get any cucumbers. Alas, a little patience, and I have fruit! Patience is definitely something I am learning to cultivate… see what I did there? 🙂

Next up is the harvest! I have 1 cucumber per plant right now that will be full size. I can’t wait!

Comment below and tell me your favorite recipe with cucumbers!

Roxanne Buxton, The Next 15 Levels

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